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Golden Nag Champa Incense Sticks

Golden Nag Champa Incense Sticks

In stock

Golden Nag Champa incense sticks are made with a fine blend of, spices, herbs, floral extracts, oils and semi-liquid resins containing Plumeria, this is known by the West as Frangipani and is a special formulation taken from the Ailanthus Malabarica tree, this gives the incense its characteristic cream colour and a damp texture. The happiness incense of golden nag champa has the ability to attract and hold. This nag champa incense is proving to be a very popular incense around the world for its enthralling and captivating aroma, and is regularly purchased by regular customers who love its fragrance.

Nag champa golden Incense sticks are hand rolled in Bangalore India, free from any toxic substances, no child labour or animal by-products, sold in recyclable packaging and has a good burn time of about 30 mins.

Each box contains 15g of incense, this is about 15 incense sticks per packet.

Each pack of 15 incense sticks are sealed in there packets for freshness.

Please have a look at our other nag champa Incense.
