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Powells Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy - Home Fragrance - Gifts

Invigorating Bath Oil

Invigorating Bath Oil

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Energising and refreshing, the Invigorating Bath Oil is made for the times that you need a little enthusiasm, a hand to get your circulation circulating and your energy levels rising. The Geranium and Lemongrass will revitalise your mood and leave your skin feeling velvety smooth, ready to take on the next task!

Ingredients: Basil, Geranium, Rosewood and Lemongrass Essential Oils.

Base: This aromatherapy bath oil is made with an all natural base of sweet almond oil and an emulsifier to help disperse the oils in the bath.

Add a few drops to the running water of your bath. Each 100ml bottle should be enough for about 12 baths.

Base: This aromatherapy bath oil is made with an all natural base of sweet almond oil and an emulsifier to help disperse the oils in the bath. Sweet Almond is an excellent moisturising oil and with the addition of essential oils it will help keep your skin soft, supple and scented.

Add a few drops to the running water of your bath. Each 100ml bottle should be enough for about 12 baths.

Our bath oils are made in small batches to ensure thay are always freshly made.

Non of the ingredients are tested on animals - 100% cruelty free.
