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Green Clay Face Mask - 80g

Green Clay Face Mask - 80g

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Used for centuries from South of France where most of the world's illite deposits come from. Green Illite clay mask, also known as illite, is an organic clay containing a whole variety of essential minerals and iron, it is the most sought after for many known skin conditions and used for lots of other cosmetic purposes. It draws impurities from the pores. This makes it perfect for detoxifying and removing impurities from the skin, cleaning and detox because of its vast absorbent properties and also toning and firming while stimulating circulation.

Illite clay can be used for both normal and oily skin because of its ability to restore skin to its natural pH balance. It also stimulates blood circulation to the skin to helps with many types of skin conditions,
including acne, psoriasis, eczema, rosacea, bug bites and sunburn.

Green Clay Powder can be mixed with essential oils and used on all skin types to leave an oil free and smooth skin.

The mineral content of Green Clay is: calcium, potassium, zinc, magnesium, selenium, silicon, cobalt, copper and iron to name just a few.

How you can easily make your own healing clay face mask

First of all you will need to mix your Green Clay Powder with either tap water or floral water (Rose floral water is the most popular) and then mix in the Green Clay Powder until it forms a smooth paste.

Then secondly apply your Green Clay mix to your face or body and then allow it to dry for about 10 to 15 mins, or until your paste dries.

Next rinse of the clay mask with warm water and then pat your face or body dry with a soft towel.

You can also add to your clay face mask pure essential oils or your preferred blend of essential oils for even better and personal results.
